New “Safe Pass” cycle initiative in Lancashire


Since news of the West Midlands’ police scheme to educate drivers about a safe distance to pass cyclists (1.5 metres, please), Dynamo has been pestering the police about something similar in our district.

Lancashire Road Safety Partnership has announced its new scheme, in conjunction with Lancashire Constabulary, called “Safe Pass”, which is a mat and bicycle demonstration which “will be rolled out at events and key locations across Lancashire over the summer”.  Unfortunately, it doesn’t go as far as the West Midlands’, where undercover police officers on bicycles actually stop close-passing motorists – who are really the ones who need educating.  Dynamo is taking this up with Lancashire police.

About lancasterdynamo

Dynamo is a cycling group, established in 1994, to work with official bodies, other cycling organisations and interested individuals to promote cycling as a safe, enjoyable and healthy means of transport.
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1 Response to New “Safe Pass” cycle initiative in Lancashire

  1. Leaving that width would be a dream. in London, you are lucky if you are left half a metre. However, I think fixing the cycling markings on our major roads could also increase passing widths. If the council doesn’t paint them soon, we need to do it ourselves.

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